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【预告】“百脉大讲坛”第63讲:Does Climate Change Impair the Elderly’s Financial Literacy?

报告人:薛瑞  博士

题目:Does Climate Change Impair the Elderly’s Financial Literacy?

时间:2019114日(周一) 18:40-20:10




Abstract: While a large body of research has examined the impacts of climate change on human health, knowledge about the impacts of climate change on household financial decisions remains limited. This paper empirically examines whether climate change impairs the financial literacy of elderly people, who are the most financially vulnerable population segment. Using survey data of 15,000 elderly Australians, we find that higher temperatures generated by climate change erode the elderly’s financial literacy. This negative impact is stronger for males with lower human capitals. Mitigating the negative consequences is of vital importance as they are likely to expose substantial financial costs to retired households.


简介:澳大利亚麦考瑞大学应用金融系研究员,发表过多篇高水平SSCI论文,并担任SSCI二区期刊Accounting and Finance等外审专家;研究领域包括:金融大数据、个体金融、公司金融、环境金融、能源金融和气候变化等。